NOT SAMO is an annual project held by gallery 18 to present the work of visual artists to the art circuit and market in order to renew the contemporary scene. The resulting show highlights these artists, regardless of their trajectories, connections, and background in the art world.
The show was created so that new artists can have the opportunity to display their work in a gallery and, with that, break the art circuit’s bubble. Bringing something different to what it’s usually seen, the show hopes to present artists from all sorts of different places, exploring various techniques, poetics, and lines of work within contemporary art.
“SAMO” is an expression known and widespread in the art world: created in the early 80s by Jean-Michel Basquiat and Al Diaz, it was graffitied on the streets and walls of New York throughout the decade. The tag was a way to question the status quo at the time. [SAMO] Is an abbreviation of the phrase “same old shit”. The negative [NOT] was added to Basquiat’s expression for the show’s open call, making explicit that the aim is presenting innovation and the artistic research's audacity that often isn't recognized by the art market. So, we don’t want this show to be the same old shit [a new look to a circuit, that, sometimes, seems rigged].
In February 25th, beginning at 7:30 p.m., there will be an open session to all artists to ask questions online about the NOT SAMO 25 project.
We will clear up issues related to the selection process, among other general questions about the project.
The project’s chief-curator, Paulo Gallina, and the 18’s staff will be present.
The show will happen between july and august 2025. In its third edition, we invited Paulo Gallina to the project as chief-curator, responsible for the selection [of participants and their artworks] and the show’s assemblage.

Paulo Gallina is an art critic and independent curator, with a bachelor’s degree in history from the ‘Universidade de São Paulo (USP)’. He has participated of the ‘Grupo de Estudos de Crítica e Curadoria da ECA-USP’ guided by Tadeu Chiarelli (2009–2012) and collaborated with independent spaces, such as: ‘Ateliê OÇO’ (2010) and ‘Atelie 397’ (2013) as a resident critic. He acted as a critic and curator at the ‘Instituto Tomie Ohtake’ (2010-2013).
He as a curator in the exhibits: ‘Os primeiros 10 anos’ (Instituto Tome Ohtake, São Paulo, 2012); ‘Nino Cais: Das Bandeiras e dos Viajantes’ (SESC, São Carlos, Ribeirão Preto e São Paulo, 2013); ‘Primeira Leitura’ (Zipper Galeria, São Paulo, 2014); ‘O saber da linha’ (LAB570, São Paulo, 2014/PINTA LONDON, Londres, 2015); ‘Alguma coisa descartável’ (Museu de arte de Ribeirão Preto, Ribeirão Preto, 2014); ‘Apagamentos’ (Caixa Cultural, São Paulo, 2016); ‘A vida das pessoas extraordinárias’ (MNAV, Montevidéu, 2017); ‘Máquina sem palavras’ (Museu de Fotografia da cidade de Curitiba, Curitiba, 2017); ‘Tudo que está coberto’ (Galeria Aura, São Paulo, 2017); ‘Terra em Chamas’ (Caixa Cultural, Rio de Janeiro, 2018); ‘Para onde ela estava olhando quando tudo ficou escuro’ (Centro Cultural dos Correios, São Paulo, 2021; Rio de Janeiro, 2022); ‘Carrossel’ (Paço Imperial, Rio de Janeiro, 2023), among others.
He has published books and catalogues, also highlighting critic readings of the issue ‘Acervo: outras abordagens Volume II”, published by the ‘Museu de Arte Contemporânea da USP’, and the ‘ensaio Sobre calar’ written for the catalogue of ‘Os primeiros 10 anos’ exhibit at the ‘Instituto Tomie Ohtake’.
Who can participate of the NOT SAMO show?
Visual artist(s) regardless of their nationality, color, beliefs, sexual orientation, career length and background. We aren’t interested in re-affirming the usual impediments that come up when an artist wants to participate in a show, exhibit or project.
You will be able to participate in the NOT SAMO 2025 selection process just by filling out the form.
Click here to fill out the form. We suggest that you read the whole SITE before applying.
How does the NOT SAMO's selection process work?
The whole selection process will be held online, to facilitate and equalize the artists’ applications from everywhere. The submission of the material and information will take place through the online form. Communication and exchanges between the gallery staff and the selected artists will occur through e-mail.
The selection process will be divided into 3 phases.
First phase
In the first phase, the artists will submit their information to participate through the application form. It will be necessary to:
• Fill out all the mandatory details (the form itself will show which information is optional and which is obligatory).
• Send a portfolio as PDF, showing a significant amount of the artist's visual production. With a minimum of ten pages, and maximum thirty, the portfolio must contain:
Images of the artworks containing its technical file [name, date, materials e dimensions];
A short biography;
A short text introducing the artistic research and poetic's concerning themes;
[Optional] Clippings with extra materials, such as texts regarding the artwork, texts of exhibits the artist has participated, and various media participations.
What's being evaluated in this phase is the poetic and plastic context of what has already been produced by the artist throughout the years. The specific artworks that will be displayed on the show will be chosen in the next phase, however, nothing stops the artist(s) from sending a project yet to be executed as part of the material (INSIDE THE PORTFOLIO).
After the end of the first phase, the first pre-selected artists' list will be disclosed and those will be contacted via e-mail.
Second phase
During the second phase, the pre-selected artists must submit the available artworks to the curatorship, or, in case of a project, a complete technical description, of how and what will be displayed in the show between july and august 2025.
This information has to be submitted through a form that will be sent via e-mail to the chosen participants. The artists shall submit the artworks they plan to display in the show.
In some cases, other artworks and extra materials can be required.
All participants in this phase will be informed about the third phase's selected participants.
Third phase
In the third phase, the artists will be asked to schedule a visit to the gallery and bring the selected artwork for an on-site evaluation.
We are very thorough regarding what the artist will bring to the show. Until the second phase, the whole artwork evaluation process will happen online, this phase will be the first opportunity for the works to be evaluated live. In this phase, we aim to understand how much the artworks' photos resemble the actual pieces.
During the third phase there will be interviews between artists, curator-chief and gallery staff.
After that, we will disclose the selected participants' list and initiate the show's production process.
NOT SAMO 2025's timeline
PHASE 1 (of applications) will open and close in specific time periods of the selection process, between january and april 2025. We won't disclose the dates before hand, since they will happen two or three times throughout these months, and we want people to keep up with the gallery's social media, showing to be attentive to the gallery's program and circuit.
Coming up
Opening of the application sessions
Disclosure of the second phase's selected participants
Contact with the selected participants and submission of these artist's materials
Disclosure of third phase's selected participants
Scheduling of the evauation of the artworks on-site at the gallery 18
Disclosure of the artists selected to the show
Contact with the selected artists and information's subbmission for the show
Selected artworks drop off at the gallery
NOT SAMO 's production and assemblage
How does the NOT SAMO's selection process work?
You will be part of a professional exhibit. Therefore, we need the submitted material to be organized and easy to understand in order for the curator to evaluate it, and for the production to prepare the show with the deserved care and attention.
Besides having an organized presentation of the digital materials, you'll need to, eventually, take your artwork to the gallery to be evaluated on site. We won't accept shipments through mail, but you can appoint someone to take them in your place. If you, or a third party, can't transport the artwork to the gallery for the evaluation (or even before knowing if you were selected to — PHASE 2), you won't be able to participate in the group show.
Some artists represented by Gallery 18 participated in a previous NOT SAMO before joining our team. Others, after participating in the show, were invited by other galleries to join their teams, or were even already inserted in the institutional art circuit.
All artworks will be for sale. This means that if you are selected to the second phase, you will have to present art pieces that are commercially available during 6 months after the group show ends. Otherwise, you and your artwork won't be able to be part of the show.
Do I pay to register or to participate in the NOT SAMO show?
There is no application or participation fee. However, there is a standard percentage, set by prestigious galleries in the market, upon the sale price of an art piece, and also a sales exclusivity of the artworks presented in the show (and only those) during 6 months after the exhibit's closure.
That percentage will be retained in the case of a sale, since it's an exhibit in an art gallery, not in a museum or institution, which are focused on showcasing and celebrating artist's careers.
Important information
Questions will be answered exclusively through this e-mail: contato@galeriadezoito.com.br.
The e-mail must contain in the subject “NOT SAMO 2025”. We reserve ourselves the right not to answer any questions that are already explained in the site.
18 is an art gallery, focused on contemporary art, that presents a range of artists, renowned or in ascension, from different work segments, styles and media usage.
From its beginning, 18 prioritizes the creation and expansion of relationships within the art world, be it regarding the artists, clients, or viewers, all who find at it a receptive environment, entirely different from the hermetic hostility felt in other art galleries.
With a diverse team of represented artists, 18 offers a variety of artistic experimentations that result in a cultural and visual plurality which can’t be seen in many places.
JULY | 2024
JULY | 2023
With a multidisciplinary staff, with an educational background in visual art, design, business, and international relations, 18 has an experienced team that has executed more than 20 exhibits, 40 courses, diverse projects and events in and outside the gallery.
Representing currently 16 artists, the gallery’s main focus is to develop their careers, inserting them in the market and art circuit, presenting clients, curators, and partners in a solid and perennial way in their work.

Bárbara Brandes

Mariana Sustovich

Vivian Faingold